Thor Movie After Credit Scene **Spoiler Alert**

If you have already seen the movie but you didn't wait till the end of the credits check out this vid. If you haven't seen the movie please note this is a big spoiler. The end scene shows Dr Erik Selvig meeting Nick Fury somewhere underground. They discuss another...

The Nutcracker 3D

No I'm not being vulgar. I was dragged to the Tchaikovsky ballet as a child so I know the story. Although this movie has nothing to do with comic's I wanted to post it because it has an awesome steam punk feel to it. It was released last year, I didn't see one trailer...

10 Awesome Comic Movie Moments

All fans have their favorite comic book movies and all of us have our favorite scene's from these flicks. Here are a few of my fav's. Iron Man And War Machine In Iron Man 2 Seeing both Iron Man and War Machine, side by side, fighting off a horde of killer robots was...

Priest Trailer

This trailer is epic. The movie is getting rave reviews over sea's.   Priest was originally a manhwa (Korean comic) series created by Hyung Min-woo, inspired by the pc game: Blood. It was translated into English by Tokyopop.  ...

Game Of Thrones

HBO have released a new fantasy TV series. The show is based on George R.R.Martin's page turner book series of the same name. I personally have never heard of the books but the fantasy/ historical genre is most definitely appealing to a Uber Geek like myself. The...

Kick-Ass 2 In Planning

Kick-Ass comic book author, Mark Millar, has been talking about a potential Kick-Ass sequel. After Wanted made $350 million, Millar's work has got Holly Woods attention. Kick-Ass, War Hero's and American Jesus have been adapted for film and now Kick-Ass 2 is being...