Rob Leane

Jul 21, 2017

Stargate is making a comeback! Ten episodes of Stargate: Origins will arrive online this autumn…

Sound the revival klaxon! Stargate is the latest property to get a nostalgia-fuelled kick up the arse, with MGM going so far as to launch its own streaming service to house a new series.

Stargate Command will be the name of the streaming platform, and Stargate: Origins is the title of the show. Ten episodes of the latter will arrive on the former this autumn.

A report from Variety tells us that the show will focus on Catherine Langford, “daughter of archaeologist Paul Langford, who discovered the ancient, round Stargate”. In the established canon, she was a young girl when the Stargate was first discovered.

In previous iterations of the franchise, Catherine has been played by Elizabeth Hoffman, Nancy McClure, Glynis Davies, Kelly Vint and Viveca Lindfors.

It’s unclear who will play Catherine in this new show, or what age she will be, but Variety states that the character “will go on an adventure in order to save the Earth from terrifying darkness.”

This teaser trailer came with the news…

Justin Michael Terry and Mark Ilvedson – neither of whom have a TV writing credit on their IMDb pages, curiously enough – will pen the series. Mercedes Bryce Morgan will direct, having cut her teeth on short films and episodes of FANtasies and Antidote 15.

The Stargate Command streaming service will apparently have both free and paid elements. MGM’s Chris Ottinger has described it as “a definitive hub for the Stargate fanbase to continue to enjoy news and content, both old and new”.

MGM president Kevin Conroy describes the Origins series “as a thank you to fans who have been keeping the spirit of the franchise alive for nearly 25 years.”

More as we hear it.