Simon Brew

Dec 8, 2017

Quentin Tarantino is looking to direct a Star Trek film now – on condition it has an R-rating…

Things are moving fast in the world of Star Trek movies again, ever since news broke that Quentin Tarantino had pitched a Trek film idea to JJ Abrams. Abrams liked it, Paramount seems to like it, and Tarantino has now presented it to a writers’ room of scribes, and they seem to like it too.

The room was said to include Mark L Smith, Drew Pearce and Lindsey Beer, with the view of one of them landing the job of turning Tarantino’s idea into a screenplay. Deadline reports that Smith, who penned The Revenant, is the running favourite at the moment.

Furthermore, it’s revealed that Tarantino is insisting that the eventual film carry an R rating, a condition that both Paramount Pictures and JJ Abrams have ceded to.

Also, Tarantino does indeed want to direct the film himself, although it’ll have to take its place in the queue behind his new 1970s set movie, that’s gone to Sony and been earmarked for a summer 2019 release. 

More as we hear it…