Simon Brew

Jul 13, 2017

How Jason Isaacs – hello! – talked himself out of playing the Green Goblin in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movie…

Hello. The new issue of Empire magazine goes on sale today, and one of our favourite regular features is the Best Of Times/Worst Of Times piece, where they tend to get some quite interesting, offbeat stories from acting talent.

This issue’s subject is Jason Isaacs, who took the chance to recall his less than successful audition to play the Green Goblin in Sam Raimi’s original Spider-Man movie.

“I went in for Spider-Man, for Green Goblin”, he recalled. “He” – we presume he means director Sam Raimi – “asked my thoughts on the script and we spent a day talking about it, then he said ‘what do you think about playing him?’”.

Isaacs did not give a career-savvy answer.

“I said I thought I was too young”, he said, with Raimi eventually plumping for Willem Dafoe in the part instead (Dafoe, in Isaacs’ defence, is eight years older). “I believe my agent’s words were ‘you c*nt’!”, Isaacs added.

There’s no shortage of quality Isaacs villainy on the big screen, of course. Not just Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter films, either. His turn as Captain Hook in P J Hogan’s Peter Pan is the best take on the character in some time…

The new issue of Empire, with Blade Runner 2049 on the front, is on sale now. You can find Empire online, here.

Simon Brew

Jul 13, 2017

How Jason Isaacs – hello! – talked himself out of playing the Green Goblin in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movie…

Hello. The new issue of Empire magazine goes on sale today, and one of our favourite regular features is the Best Of Times/Worst Of Times piece, where they tend to get some quite interesting, offbeat stories from acting talent.

This issue’s subject is Jason Isaacs, who took the chance to recall his less than successful audition to play the Green Goblin in Sam Raimi’s original Spider-Man movie.

“I went in for Spider-Man, for Green Goblin”, he recalled. “He” – we presume he means director Sam Raimi – “asked my thoughts on the script and we spent a day talking about it, then he said ‘what do you think about playing him?’”.

Isaacs did not give a career-savvy answer.

“I said I thought I was too young”, he said, with Raimi eventually plumping for Willem Dafoe in the part instead (Dafoe, in Isaacs’ defence, is eight years older). “I believe my agent’s words were ‘you c*nt’!”, Isaacs added.

There’s no shortage of quality Isaacs villainy on the big screen, of course. Not just Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter films, either. His turn as Captain Hook in P J Hogan’s Peter Pan is the best take on the character in some time…

The new issue of Empire, with Blade Runner 2049 on the front, is on sale now. You can find Empire online, here.