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Dark Carnival Blogs - The Dark Carnival
VFX, Unions and Capitalism, Oh My!

VFX, Unions and Capitalism, Oh My!

Good morning, good day and salutations my deliciously vile minions. I do trust you’re all out there hustling and grinding the world to its knees. It’s been very very bad. Speaking of bad, have any of you wondered why the VFX in the modern swath of superhero and...
Everything Everywhere All At Once

Everything Everywhere All At Once

Hello, minions of the multiverse. I trust you are all wreaking havoc in every reality you find yourselves in. Everything Everywhere All At Once. It recently won seven awards at the 2023 Oscars and I do believe it might be my current favourite film. The plot follows...
Painting shoes?

Painting shoes?

As a creator, it’s not always easy to find your niche in the market, or to remain relevant. Sometimes you just have to find something that makes you happy and pray that it appeals to the general public. Point in case, painting on shoes. Everyone needs to wear...