M. Night Shyamalan’s next film is the third installment in his Unbreakable trilogy, Glass, which will see the return of Samuel L Jackson’s villainous Mr. Glass as well as James McAvoy’s The Horde and Bruce Willis’ heroic David Dunn. Add to that list Sarah Paulson (American Horror Story), who is set to star in the upcoming sequel.
Shyamalan announced the casting on Twitter:
No info on who Paulson is playing in the film, but what we do know is that David Dunn will face off against both Mr Glass and the Horde in the new film. In April, Shyamalan announced that he’d completed the script.
“It was always my dream to have both films collide in this third film,” Shyamalan told Deadline about creating the trilogy.
Anya Taylor-Joy will play Casey Cooke in the movie.
Jason Blum, Marc Bienstock, Ashwin Rajan, and Shyamalan are producing Glass for Universal.
Glass is out in January 2019.