Following in the tradition of its highly successful period drama, Vikings, the History Channel is all set to introduce another historical fiction series to the world. Entitled Knightfall, it aims to capture the political intrigue of the Crusades and the Knights Templar, who sought the holy grail during the Middle Ages.
We now have a proper, full trailer for the series. It gives viewers a good idea of how broadly Knightfall intends to explore the world of 1306….
The first trailer gave us a glimpse of the mystery surrounding the location of the holy grail and how the warriors of the Templar Order sought it against all enemies.
Knightfall air date
Knightfall will make its debut on the History Channel on December 6, 2017 at 10pm ET.
Knightfall cast
Perhaps the most notable Knightfall cast member of Knightfall is Tom Cullen of Downton Abbey fame, who plays the Templar Knight Landry, fervently seeking the grail. Spartacus‘ Simon Merrells plays Tancrede and The Tudors‘ Pádraic Delaney portrays a great swordsman of the Order who has been brought low by debilitating infirmity.
The cast also features other Downton Abbey alumni Jim Carter and Julian Avenden, as well as Ed Stoppard (The Crown), Olivia Ross (War And Peace), Sabrina Bartlett (DaVinci’s Demons), Bobby Schofield (Black Sean), and Sarah-Sofie Boussnina (The Bridge).
More as we have it.