The halls of Hogwarts feel like home to me as I strut proudly towards the dinning hall when suddenly I am met with a very strange sight as the well known Goku steps into view and makes me stop in my tracks instantly. His black hair shining ominously and his face stoic and serious. Before me stood the most powerful man on earth and it would seem that he has a fight to pick with me. I could feel my heart racing and my legs quivering with fear. I am just about to assume a fighting position when a strong hand suddenly rests on my shoulder. Turning around I face non other than Batman. His black suit a glowing symbol of justice and peace. And then…

The alarm rings in my ears like the cruel master it is.

After that mixed-up,strange dream I’ve been pondering, questioning and analyzing every part of this geek lifestyle of mine. I just kept asking one simple little question:

‘What does it mean to be a geek?’

I’m sure most people will tell you that being a geek involves some sort of chemical component in the brain or explain geeks as a type of cult…

And…They are absolutely right!!!

Of course being a geek means you’re a little different than ‘muggles’ or ‘normies’ and you probably still believe you can use the force to levitate snacks towards you, but that sense of magic coursing through your veins is just an unbelievable amount of self-confidence given to you by your favourite game,movie,series,anime and the list goes on…

So in reality we geeks do have a strange chemical component in our brains called courage because let’s face it, it takes a bit of nerve to show the world what you love despite being shamed for it.

Now on to this infamous “geeky cult” that seems to scare most normies. The cult itself has no candle light initiation or blood drinking rituals and the only thing you need to join is an over active imagination and an awesome personality. We all know that the life of a geek can be pretty lonely and most geeks are the outcasts of society but that makes us that much stronger as a unit. I can honestly say that there are no more loyal and helpful friends than geeks.


What does it mean to be a geek?

Being a geek means camping outside the cinema’s with friends to catch the brand new avengers movie. It means being confident in what you love even if the world tells you you’re wrong.

Being a geek means wearing your limited edition Star Wars t-shirt while you sacrifice every ounce of sleep to binge watch Game Of Thrones. It means confidently showing up to a Halloween party dressed as Gandalf while all the other girls are dressed in cute outfits.

Being a geek means being a part of a supporting and loving community. It means secretly wishing your animu senpai would come to life.

I’ll ask again…

‘What does it mean to be a geek?’

One awnser…

Being a geek means being alive!!!